Sunday, December 16


As the sun goes down, and we sit and relax and look upon our day, we think.

Good News! Party was a sucess! Everyone seemed to have a good time, and of course someone drank too much, but that's just how parties should be.

I was a good boy and cleaned it all up, thankfully wasn't that hidious.

What else is up...

Ah! Christmas is getting closer. We're all getting in the christmas spirit I hope!

Though I'm not gonna go around buying christmas presents for my dearly beloved, I will send out happy thoughts to them. And as they say, it's the thought that counts.

There may be only one, or two people in this world whom I would feel happy to buy a christmas present to. But let's face it, no money, no funny. And I do need cash. So i'll just buy for that One person. What a lucky *beep*. Well he/she is worth it!

Oh yeah my neck is killing me! Yeah I headbanged wayyyy to much yesterday and...well today I'm paying my dues. But from what I can remember, it was totally worth it. So...metal up your ass!

What else...

Ahh, I don't know. Things are pretty messed up.

Let's see how was it, "Love hurts". Yes, but that's not everything. Love blinds you. Love makes you weak. Love confuses you. Love tortures you. But perhaps the most important thing...Love is wonderful.

Here's a pop quiz for you all. Give me an answer, and i'll surely mention your name somewhere.

"What do you do, when you've run out of patience, run out of hope, but still can't stop thinking and wishing that the person you think about is going to wake up and let you know that they feel the same thing?"

Communication is an important thing. Without it, how are you supposed to know how the other one feels? We're not mind readers, and you can't walk around hoping that we'll understand. You have to be honest, and you have to be courageous enough to confront your feelings.

Telling someone how you feel, no matter how scary it may seem, will make things easier for both of you. Even though it doesn't work out, at least in the end you can say "Hey, at least I was honest".

Without honesty, there's just lies left. And how the fuck are we supposed to live a happy life with lies?

Uncertainty is another thing. If you feel uncertain about your feelings. Dig deeper. They are there, you just haven't found them yet. Think about what you want, and what you don't want. Think about how this other person makes you feel, and how you wish he/she made you feel.

In the end, it all comes down to taking a chance. Life is too short to play it safe. Take a chance, see where it goes. That's the exciting thing about life, isn't it? Not knowing where you'll end up?

Okay that's enough. Hope this was of some use to you all in your lives. I surely hope it was to someone...

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