Saturday, November 17


Saturday! Or as we in Finland call it, Alcholday!

Okay kids, here's a very important lesson for you all out there. This may come as a shock, im sure you're just about now drinking this shit without realizing it...

But RUM is bad!!

Just had a drink, and let me tell you something, it's like getting a hangover in 10 seconds.

For those of you who love this shit, drink it like water every day, i've got something to say to you: Get help! And before that, tell me your secret in how you can drink this more than once.

For those of you who haven't tasted it yet, well i've got something to say to you too: TASTE IT! So you'll know how it feels! And i'll bet ya you wont drink it again....but if you do, read the above!

Kids there are much better things to drink, vodka, beer and even CIDER! Yes!

Now go out and have a fun saturday, drink 'till ya pass out, and get back to me tomorrow and tell me how you feel.

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