Wednesday, November 28

The Questionnaire of Bernard Pivot

So i've been watching theese Inside The Actor's Studio clips on YouTube, and it's been like a freakin drug and I love it.

I would loove to get all of the episodes in some way, but I've looked and it's hard.

In short, it's a show where actors and directors come and kinda "open up" and tell stories about how they got to where they are, in front of a audience that consists of acting/director students. It's really insipiring to watch it, and the interviewer, James Lipton is just the perfect man to do the interviews.

At the end of the interview, he asks the actors/directors 10 questions, and I thought of posting theese 10 questions here, so you can ask yourself them and have fun. They're quite fun.

1. What is your favourite word?
2. What is your least favourite word?
3. What turns you on/inspires you?
4. What turns you off?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What is your favourite curse word?
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

So, I thought i'd put my two cents in and give you my 10 answers to that

1. Gay (don't ask why)
2. Any finnish-swedish word.
3. Music
4. Arrogancy
5. My cellphone ringtone(Homer singing Spider Pig)
6. Alarm clock
7. Tough one... depends on the language. In swedish i say "fan" all the time, which is a curse word but doesnt feel like a curse word anymore, it's just a fill in between words and sentences.
8. Well my goal is to become a director, so if I was a director, other than that actor maybe...
9. Any fast-food joint.
10. I don't believe in God, or heaven, so I surely hope he would say...."Hah just kidding." And disappears.

Since this was so much fun, I thought i'd post this list with answers once a week. I know it sounds gay(yay), but I will certainly change my mind several times, thus making the answers different probably once a week. So, check back in a week for other answers.

Oh and feel free to post on the comments your own answers to the 10 questions.

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